Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Cactus

Well, I am finally joining the rest of my friends who are "bloggers".  I have to say I often thought I would never do anything like this, but look at me I am!  I have arrived!  :)

I will start with a story that is true and might shed some light on me.  Or it might not, but either way I am going to tell it.  :)  During my last colloquium I attended in Arizona for my Master's program (in counseling), my professor gave each person in the room a little trinket that she felt symbolized each of us, individually.  We were given the task to look at the trinket and write down reasons we believe that the professor chose that particular piece for us.  My little trinket....a cactus.  Now I should preface this a little more by saying we were to dig deeper to our inner selves to find out what about our trinkets resembled us, per our professor.  Of course, I came up with that it was tall, could withstand extreme weather, had prickly things (to symbolize the walls/protection that  I often put up at times) and provided a source of water for many of the desert animals.  I was pretty pleased with my thoughts, but had more time.  I thought and thought.  I even turned it sideways to make it form a "M" for my name.  Hehe.  (I will post a picture at a later time).  Anyway, the professor then went around the room hearing the other learners' interpretations of themselves in the trinkets and sharing what she felt the trinket said about the learner.  She came to me and most of what I had listed was pretty much what she said.  But then she asked me to think of another one.  I just couldn't think of any other ways that she could think this cactus would describe me.  Then she said something that I will always wonder about and be in the back of my mind.  She said "when the cactus blooms, it becomes more beautiful than originally thought it could."  It really spoke to me.  Still does.  Needless to say I have had a small infatuation with the cactus family since then, even considering getting a tattoo, once I find the right one for me.  

We all have times in which just one person, or trinket, or statement causes us to think deeper to what and who we are.  I would be so bold to say that this happens more often than not, especially to me.   I am influenced each day by things that are going on around me, with or without me, and sometimes this is difficult to swallow, especially if it something from my past, recent or further, that I have missed out on.  But I have to remind myself that I made the decisions I made with careful consideration and LOADS of prayer.  God has been there with me through everythingI am currently going through another "life change" and things are pretty uncomfortable for me at this time.  However, I know that all I have is God...and of course a wonderful husband, family and friends who have been with me through much of it.  I have faith that the Lord will lead me to where He wants me next, and will provide my/our every need, even though it is difficult waiting (patience is not a strength for me).  I will keep the faith and follow where He leads. 

So, I am a cactus....and am waiting to bloom!

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